Trevor Lloyd’s compositions bring together a unique blend of mid 20th Century Classical Modernism and current European Progressive and American Jazz. He also draws on a lifetime of improvisational violin performance in many genres including classical, east Indian, folk, Irish, country, rock, and blues.

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Trevor Lloyd

Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road, Paradise

This collaboration of music and art will feature, among other holiday favorites, the world premier of Trevor Lloyd's "Western Sleigh Ride". A wonderful opportunity to get the whole family into the holiday spirit, Sam Gronseth directs the Paradise Community Chorus in their first appearance since the Camp Fire. They join the Paradise Symphony Orchestra directed by Dr. Lloyd Roby to perform a variety of holiday favorites, enhanced by performances from the Northern California Ballet and the Oroville Community Chorus. This special spirit-filled event will feature more than 25 community members singing a variety of songs from Winter Wonderland to the Hallelujah Chorus. The Symphony will also perform other holiday favorites and accompany both the chorus and ballet. Many organizations, mostly from The Ridge, have been waiting for the opportunity to break out from the debilitating effects of the Camp Fire and pandemic to bring JOY to our community, and the holidays are the perfect place to start. These include a unique visual art performance, a dance troupe, and best of all—an audience sing-along. What a way to kick off the holiday season—celebrating with friends and family! This is a strong community event with family-friendly admission. You may purchase your tickets from the performers, at local outlets and at the door as available. Admission is $15 for adults with children under 12 welcomed for free. As this is a Paradise Community Chorus sponsored event, tickets are not available on this website.

However, tickets can be purchased from Paradise Community Chorus members, PSO Board members, Maria’s Kitchen, Joy Lyn’s Candies, or at the door. For more information, contact Sam Gronseth at 530 588-4959.


Trevor Lloyd Piano Trio and Two Skies Wide

In the House!, Chico

The Trevor Lloyd Trio with Diego Bustamante (piano), Trevor Lloyd (violin), and Anthoni Polcari (cello), playing Lloyd's original works, and acoustic folk rock duo, Two Skies Wide, with Will Watje (of "Decades") on acoustic guitar, and Trevor Lloyd, electric violin, playing originals and old favorites. Please join "In the House" for postings about the event, its location in Chico, and reservations.

                                    More videos to watch in the videos section of this site